
7 Beginner Mistakes When Co-Washing Asian Hair

co-washing asian hair

Co-washing is a new trend in the world of hair care, promising to add more moisture and vibrancy to your hair. This is particularly important for people with curly, dry, or fragile hair.

But what is this method, and how can you make sure that you are doing it properly? Let’s delve into the world of co-washing and look at some of the most common mistakes that you might want to avoid.  

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What Is Co-Washing?

Co-washing describes the process of not using shampoo to wash your hair. There are a few reasons why this might be beneficial. For example, when you use shampoo, it sucks the moisture from your hair. As a result, it will be more fragile and susceptible to damage.

To solve this problem, co-washing requires that you only use conditioner when washing your hair.  This returns moisture to the hair. Over time, this will make your hair more resilient, increasing follicle strength.

Now that we know what this technique is let’s take a closer look at some of the most common mistakes that people make when co-washing Asian hair.

1. Using The Wrong Conditioner

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As you are just using a conditioner, you must get the right kind of product. In most cases, you will be able to continue using existing products. However, you need to make sure that you are using a product that doesn’t contain any silicone.

In conditioner, the silicone is designed to add an extra shine to your hair. However, over time, it can end up doing damage, causing product build-up. In some cases, this can make your hair heavier. To prevent this, it’s best to stick to lighter conditioners.

There are a few things that you should be looking for in a conditioner. For example, you should try to find something that contains plenty of emollients and protein.

This will make sure that your hair is as strong as possible. You might also want to try to find something that contains plenty of moisturizers. This will allow you to trap the moisture in your hair, preventing it from drying out during the day.

2. Not Cleaning The Scalp

While they are washing their hair frequently, many beginners will be neglecting to clean their scalp. This is a big problem when co-washing, as you won’t have the shampoo to help you dislodge dirt from your hair follicles.

As a result, when washing, you must spend a little extra time cleaning your scalp. This will make sure that you get rid of all the dirt and grime, allowing you to have strong, beautiful hair.

In some cases, you might want to consider adding in a shampoo occasionally, every two to three weeks. This will remove product build-up and dirt, making sure that your follicles are kept clean. We’ll discuss this a little later.

3. Failing To Detangle Their Hair

Some beginners might also leave their hair tangled and knotted. The best time to detangle your hair is when you are in the shower before you apply the conditioner.

By doing this, you will ensure that the product reaches all your hair, allowing you to get the maximum possible benefit.  There are a few ways that you can do this. For example, if you have lighter hair, you might be able to use your fingers. However, for those with thicker hair, you might need to use a brush.

After you get out of the shower, you should brush your hair again, further de-tangling your hair. This is especially important if you are going to be applying hair products.

4. Not Removing The Conditioner Properly

Another potential problem that you might face is that you haven’t properly rinsed the product out of your hair. A common misconception is that, by leaving some product in your hair, you will be able to retain moisture throughout the day.

However, most conditioners aren’t designed to be used like this. Instead, you’ll notice that a thick film has built up on your hair. In some cases, this can make it hard to apply other styling products, making it harder for you to get your hair looking the way you want it to.

To prevent this, you want to run water through the hair until it starts to run clear. This indicates that there is no more conditioner left in your hair.

5. Making The Shower Too Hot

You might also want to experiment with the temperature of your shower. When co-washing Asian hair, you might notice that the hotter the shower, the more hair you lose.

This is because the hot temperatures can remove your natural oils and make the hair more porous. As a result, it will be more likely to break off, especially if you don’t use cold water afterward, to close the pores on the scalp.

To prevent this, try to choose a shower temperature that is warm, but not too hot. Make sure to experiment with the temperature, to find the right setting for your hair.

6. Co-Washing Too Frequently

When they first start co-washing, some people might assume that they need to use conditioner more frequently, to compensate for the lack of shampoo. However, this isn’t the case.

For most people, you will only need to co-wash your hair once or twice a week. However, you should feel free to experiment with this, finding a level that works for you and gets the best results for your hair.

For example, if you work in an industry that exposes your hair to a lot of dirt you might want to clean the follicles more frequently.

7. Not Using Shampoo

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Finally, this is one of the most common mistakes made by people who are co-washing. While you shouldn’t be using it every time, shampoo is still an important part of your hair care routine.

As we mentioned, conditioner alone has the potential to cause product build-up in your hair. This can be difficult for you to remove. In addition, some dirt can still cling to the follicles.

To solve these problems, you will need to use a shampoo product. You might also need to use it to prepare your hair for some treatments, like coloring.

However, you will need to be careful about the shampoo that you’re using. You don’t want to use anything too intensive. Instead, try to get a clarifying shampoo.

You might also want to find a product that has been designed to work with your specific type of hair. In most cases, you will need to experiment with several products, to find the one that offers the best results for your hair.

How frequently you will need to use a shampoo will depend on the type of hair that you have. For example, if you have just been swimming in a chlorine pool, you might need to use it to remove those chemicals from your hair. However, in most cases, you will just need a shampoo every three weeks, to prevent build-up and remove dirt.

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Co-washing Asian hair is one of the best ways for you to care for it. Because this hair tends to be fragile, you don’t want the shampoo to suck moisture from it, increasing the chances that it will break off. Thankfully, it’s fairly easy for you to start co-washing.

To make sure that you get the right technique, we looked at some of the most common mistakes that beginners make. So, try co-washing today, and see if this approach is right for your hair.

Written by Christina Bowler

We're a team of hair care enthusiast that have been in this industry for a very long time. Since 2019 we've been writing helpful articles to help you find the right tips, tricks, and products that you might want. Feel free to ask us questions on the contact page.

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