Hair loss is a concern that almost everyone has at some point in their life. We have all experienced that wad of hair in our hairbrush or have found it in piles as we are sweeping the floor.
With so much hair falling out, if it can regrow is something that we should know about.
hair regrow after the hair falls out? Hair regrowth can occur depending on
stressors or the type of loss. Androgenetic alopecia is when a hair follicle
shrivels up and dies, so hair is no longer able to grow. Hair loss due to
stressful events, such as childbirth or a breakup, are more likely to regrow
with time.
the knowledge that there is a chance for hair to regrow after it has fallen
out, it is necessary to know what to do next. Hair regrowth can occur in many
may require seeing a doctor, and some are avenues you can take on your own. No
matter which direction you want to go in to regrow your hair, it is also
important to take a look at some of the reasons why your hair has fallen out in
the first place.
Table of Contents
Regrowing Your Hair
As we age and grow older, our hair is likely to fall out. Although hair loss does not just occur at later stages of life, it can happen at any age.
When someone experiences hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia, the likelihood of the hair regrowing is pretty slim.
this type of hair loss, the follicle it grows out of will become smaller and
smaller. It will be difficult for the hair to grow out of it. Once the follicle
ceases to exist, the hair that has grown there will fall out for good.
Solutions to Hair Loss
There are actions you can take that will help slow this process down or even completely stop it from happening.
But, it is best to keep in mind that you should start trying to regrow your hair as soon as you notice that it is falling out without growing back.
- Herbal Supplements: The simplest way to regrow your hair after it has been lost is by taking the right herbal supplements. Herbal supplements are a good way to have natural ingredients help in the regrowth process instead of harsh chemicals.
There are many different supplements that you can take to help regrow your hair. Some include ginseng, vitamin B6, rosemary, zinc, pumpkin seed, and horsetail extract.
You can take just one of these regularly or even a combination of two. Either way, they will help to ensure that the hair follicle remains active.
- Topical Medications: Over the counter treatments is a good place to start with regrowing hair if you do not want to immediately go to your doctor.
The active ingredient to look for is minoxidil. This can be found in products such as Rogaine and Caboki. When used, this treatment will stimulate the potassium channels in the hair follicle that are directly related to hair growth.
One thing to be mindful of when using topical treatments is that your hair may not always grow back as thick or as much as it once was. It may also take a couple of months before results are noticed.
- Oral Medications: If you are ready for prescribed treatment, then your dermatologist can prescribe you finasteride.
With a daily dose of finasteride, the enzyme that leads to hair loss will be restrained.
Although this medication will not completely stop you from losing hair, it will slow down the process so you will have thicker hair for a longer time.
- Prescribed Medications: Aside from finasteride, there are other medications available to you that your dermatologist can prescribe in order to help your regrow your hair.
There are creams that are steroid-based that can be useful. The steroid in the cream will act as an anti-inflammatory in order to soothe the hair follicles.
- Plasma Injections: A way to regrow your hair that is on the horizon is plasma injections. When this becomes available, the person with hair loss will have their blood drawn by a trained professional.
This professional will then extract the growth factors out of the blood. These growth factors are then injected into the area of the scalp where the hair loss is occurring. In theory, the growth factors will stimulate the hair follicles are they will begin producing hair again.
Natural Hair Regrowth
people now like to try things the natural way before putting more chemicals and
foreign substances into and onto their bodies. If this is you, then there are
plenty of natural ways to regrow your hair after it has fallen out.
One way is to massage your scalp while using
oil, such as coconut
oil. The massaging will stimulate the scalp and the hair follicles. The
coconut oil is full of fatty acids that help to make hair thicker. So the
massaging will open up the hair follicles so the coconut oil can go in and
reduce the protein loss.
natural way to regrow your hair is by using onion juice. The onion juice
improves our hair growth by targeting your body’s circulation.
increased circulation, the hair follicles will be greatly stimulated. All you
have to do is blend up a few onions and apply the juice to your scalp for 15
minutes. Then rinse it out and wash your hair as normal.
Symptoms and Causes of Hair Loss
you even get to the point of needing hair regrowth solutions, steps were taken
that lead to hair loss. You never know when hair loss is going to occur, so
taking steps before it does is a good place to start. Even if your hair has
fallen out and needs to be regrown, stopping these things will help you with
general, any periods of prolonged stress can lead to hair loss. What causes
your stress could be anything. It could be an overload of work or school work.
It could be the stress of moving to a new home or a new town. Everyone has
different stressors, so it is important to try to keep stress levels down as
much as possible in order to avoid hair loss that will require regrowth in the
Hairstyles and Treatments
can mean different things when it comes to men and women. For women, harsh
hairstyles could be the constant pulling back into tight ponytails or buns.
could also mean the frequent use of rollers. For men and women, harsh
hairstyles may involve tight braids or cornrows. All of these will put a strain
on the hair follicles and cause them to become inflamed. Thus, resulting in
hair loss.
treatment to be aware of is anything that has to do with chemical products.
This is going to include dyes and bleaches. If overused, the damage caused
could lead to your hair falling out. When this is chemically induced, it can be
more difficult to regrow it.
are certain illnesses that can lead to hair loss because illness will
temporarily stop all nonessential bodily functions.
an illness attacks your body, it can take multiple systems to fight it off. So
in order to do this, the body will stop doing things that it doesn’t deem
necessary when fighting off an illness. Growing hair is one such thing.
So if
you are battling an illness such as a thyroid disorder or an iron deficiency,
then you may be more likely to experience hair loss.
order to get over an illness or keep on at bay, medication may be required.
Most times, when you are prescribed medications, you do not get to choose what
you go on because there are only a certain amount of medications that will help
your sickness.
taking any type of medication, one thing to be mindful of is the side effects.
Common medications that help battle cancer or treat gout will have hair loss
side effects. It is best to consult with your doctor on what regrowth method
you can use, so there is no interference with your current medication.