Washing your hair is as basic and easy as putting clothes on. We do it differently, depending on our hair type and how long it is, the hair products we use, the kind of shower or bath fixture we have in our bathroom, or even just how we were taught to do it since we were kids.
But is there really a recommended way of washing your hair, and is it good to wash it upside down?
Washing your hair upside down is a good way to clean your scalp and your tresses, but it is a matter of preference and comfort. There is no exact rule as to the proper position you need to follow when washing your hair. But some hair experts do recommend it to achieve more volume.
Washing your hair upside down may have some benefits, and it may have its own disadvantages, as well. Read on to know what these are and what people and hair experts have to say about it.
Plus, let’s see what these hair professionals are advising when it comes to proper washing practices.
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Washing Hair Upside Down: Pros and Cons
A lot of curly-haired people attest that washing their hair upside down really makes a difference and gives their hair more volume.
They also say that washing upside down also affects the definition of their hair’s curl pattern in a good way.
Washing and rinsing your hair upside down may also be a good idea if your back is prone to acne and irritations. You wouldn’t want your hair products, like your conditioner, or oil from your hair to trickle down your back and cause your skin to break out.
There are also people who share that their scalp gets sufficient cleaning by washing their hair upside-down and that the results are even better if you use a handheld shower. Washing long hair upside down makes it easier for you to get the shampoo under your hair and close to your scalp.
This is difficult to do when your hair is wet; you are standing normally because all the water’s weight keeps you from inserting your fingers up and under your hair.
Many people also take to washing their hair upside down, especially if they don’t intend to take a full shower or to take a bath and just want to clean their hair. This is something they can just do on the kitchen sink or the bathroom basin.
Fans of upside-down washing technique also find that cleansing products applied to the hidden layers of your hair cause less overall damage than when applied on the top layer.
This is because the top layer is already the one getting all the exposure to the sun, wind, and other environmental elements, as well as to hot styling tools, combing, brushing, and styling products.
Additionally, the upside-down method helps preserve highlighted, chemically colored, and treated strands.
The Correct Way to Wash Your Hair According to the Experts
This beauty, fashion, and lifestyle online magazine and community cite Christophe Robin, a Paris-based colorist who works with famous celebrities.
The first step is to always brush your hair before getting it wet and take all the tangles out. He also noted that you should not use a comb on wet hair as it will be stressful for your tresses.
The next step is to distribute nourishing oil throughout the ends of your hair while still dry and leave it for 15 minutes. He even recommends that you leave it on overnight. After, you can start washing your hair, using the correct kind of shampoo.
Choosing the Right Shampoo for Your Hair
According to Teen Vogue, it is important to identify your hair type and to choose the most suitable formulation for it. For instance, if you have oily hair, you may want to use a purifying shampoo and avoid the moisturizing ones.
Meanwhile, if you have dry or coarse hair, you can go for the smoothing, hydrating formulas. For fine hair, a gentle shampoo or a volumizing formula would be perfect, while those with bleached hair should go for clarifying shampoo to avoid the unwanted yellow tones.
A shampoo that we like is this one from TeaTree, it has done wonders for many of our readers, and it’s worth giving it a try!
Image | Product | Rating | Price |
Tea Tree Shampoo
Everyday Use |
Hot, Warm, or Cold Water?
Teen Vogue also warns against washing your hair daily and explains that the more frequently you wash your hair, the more it produces oil.
Three times a week is enough for most hair types, and when you do it, you should use filtered lukewarm water and not hot.
However, before you step out of the shower, it is good to rinse off with cool water.
Stylecaster believes differently, though. The article, which shares hair washing tips from New York hair professionals Nunzio Saviano and Kyle White, writes that hot water will open your cuticles, which is good for getting dirt and other hair care products trapped in the hair.
Using warm water for rinsing loosens oil from your scalp and opens the cuticles to allow them to absorb the oil in your conditioner.
However, they agree that finishing off with cold water is good. Doing so will shut the cuticles tight and seal the shingle-like outer layer. This, in turn, will allow your hair to reflect the most light and to give off the most shine.
Lather From Roots to Tips
Stylecaster also recommends applying conditioner on long hair first before shampooing. And, when you shampoo, it says that you only need to shampoo your hair at the scalp and at the nape. Plus, a quarter-sized amount of it is enough.
The article also notes that the best way to lather up your hair is from roots to tips. White explains that the hair closest to the scalp is the youngest hair and is going to be the oiliest, while the tips are the oldest hair and usually the driest and most fragile part.
Lathering and Drying Hair Upside Down
Robin suggests that you lather up with your head in an upside-down position. This creates volume for your hair. Moreover, he reminds us that you should avoid the ends of your hair and to not use your fingernails on your scalp.
He also notes that after rinsing your hair thoroughly, you should towel-dry your hair. However, you should never rub the strands with the towel to absorb excess water.
Instead, he says you should flip your head upside down then rub a towel over it quickly, from both sides.
Why Others Don’t Like Washing Their Hair Upside Down
A common complaint among long-haired people, though, is that washing their hair upside down makes for more tangling. Combing through and loosening the tangles afterward takes a lot of time.
Some people also find it difficult to rinse the top of their heads thoroughly when washing their hair in this position.
Another consideration is comfort. Washing your hair upside down may not be a good idea if you have a bad back as it might cause back pain, if you have mobility problems, or if your shower or bath simply was not designed to make it comfortable for you to bend forward and turn your hair upside down.
If you are prone to migraines and vertigo, you may also want to avoid this technique.
If washing your hair upside down is something you are used to and you are happy with how your hair looks and how clean your scalp feels afterward, then there is no reason to believe you are doing it wrong. The same thing applies if you usually wash your hair standing up.
It might not hurt, though, if you try doing it upside down even just once and compare the results. If you feel your hair has more body and volume and your scalp is cleaner than when you washed standing up, you should give it another try.
When it comes to cleaning and styling your hair, everything always depends on your hair type, hair length, and personal preference.
Different people need different kinds and different levels of care for their hair, so it’s never always a one-size-fits-all kind of thing.