
Does a Haircut Reduce Hair Fall?

Hair fall is something that many people have in their life most often is because of genetics. However, there are ways to reduce and minimize this. Using the right hair care products like shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks will do a lot.

It’s not proven that a haircut can reduce hair fall, but generally speaking, most people who have short hair will care less about it. Keep in mind that hair growth comes from the scalp and not from the ends, so getting a haircut won’t directly affect your hair growth.

So, if you want to reduce hair fall, it’s best to take good care of it while you still can. Like I said before, it’s extremely important to use the right products since it can stimulate hair growth when used right. Many people overlook this, and once they see some hair fall, they often ignore it.

Table of Contents

Is Shaving Head Good For Hair Fall?

Yes, only if you don’t care about your hair. It might solve the problem, but once you’ve shaved your head, it’s gone for good. You’ll have to get used to it, and it probably will be a huge relief since you don’t have to worry about that anymore.

The majority of people that shave their heads are proud that they did it. It relieves a huge burden from their shoulders and can focus on other things. Remember that if you care about your appearance, then you should think thoroughly about it.

Is Shaving Head Good For Hair Fall

How Can I Get Thick Hair In A Month?

There are no possible ways to get thick hair in a month. I would extend this to 6 months because that would make it way more realistic. Here below are the steps I took and how I got thicker hair in 6 months.

Essential Oils

Prepare your hair the best you can by using coconut, argan, and olive oil. Those are the three main ones that worked for me. What I did was mix them in a small little bottle and start massaging it into my scalp.

Leave this overnight and do this every 3 to 4 times a week. After a couple of months, you can see some improvement. Make sure to sleep with a towel on your pillow to avoid getting the oil everywhere on your bed.

Hair Masks

Hair masks are very important. If you want to have silky smooth hair, it might take a bit of time to get used to it, but once you’ve gotten used to it, the progress will surprise you. I’ve been using hair masks for around three months now, and my hair has improved significantly.

Many people overlook this because they’ve never heard about it or aren’t familiar with this. If you haven’t been using hair masks yet, I highly recommend you trying them out. It’s great for people with thin hair, and it smells amazing.

Sulfate and Paraben-free Shampoo and Conditioner

Shampoos are often used wrong by a lot of people. It would be best if you found the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. This will improve your hair a lot, and once you use this for a couple of weeks, the results will come fast.

Sulfate and Paraben-free mean that there are almost no harsh chemicals that could damage the hair. If you haven’t been using this already, I would recommend you try these shampoos since it drastically changed my hair.

Avoid using heat

Avoiding heat is very important. Most people who blow dry a lot or use any heat tools can dry out the hair very fast. Especially if the hair is already dry itself, it can lead to breakage, and that’s what you want to avoid as much as possible.

When I had very dry hair, I always used a heat protectant to use any heating tools. However, I stopped using them, and my hair has never been this smooth. I try to avoid using any heating tools, and you should too.

Do not brush wet hair

Brushing wet hair can be very damaging when done wrong; if you are brushing your hair every day, make sure to wait till it’s dry. By doing this, you’ll avoid your hair from breaking out, and that’s the best. Keep the hair as natural as you can for a long time.

If you need to brush your hair, it’s recommended to use a wet brush. Those are made to brush wet hair, and it’s better for the scalp.

Start exercising

Exercising is more, it plays a major role in growing the hair, and it’s healthy. Try to exercise at least 4 to 5 days a week and do this consistently. You’ll see some improvement once you start doing this in a couple of months.

If you have never exercised, it might look very hard to do it for 4 to 5 days. However, you can start doing this once a week and slowly build up. That’s what I did, and since then, I’ve been working out for the last three years consistently.

Drink lots of water

Drinking water is good to keep you hydrated and eat healthy foods like vegetables and nuts and avoid unhealthy snacks. Foods like eggs, chicken, and sprouts can help hair growth.

If you haven’t been doing this already, make sure to drink a lot of water every day. In the beginning, you might pee a lot, but that’s normal.

How Can I Get Thick Hair In A Month

Which Oil Is Best For Hair Fall?

Many oils are good for hair fall. The ones that I use are coconut oil and argan oil. Those two oils you can buy anywhere, and it has been an amazing experience. When I first started using these oils, I didn’t have many expectations.

However, after a couple of months, my hair improved a lot. It got thicker and smoother. Surely, it’s not for everyone, but you should give it a try since you will never know if you aren’t going to try it yourself.


Now that you’ve come to the end of this article, I hope it has helped you find out if a hair cut reduces hair loss. In short, no, it doesn’t, and the majority of people that have hair fall should start taking care of the hair.

That’s the most important to reducing hair loss are haircare routines. You must use the right products for your hair type. What works for me might not work for you, and that’s what you should keep in mind.

Many of my friends also have experienced this, and it took a long time before finding the right products for them.

Reducing hair fall is pretty hard, and most people go bald. If you are dedicated, make sure to take it seriously. Start using the right hair products and eat healthily, it can change your whole life, and your hair will probably worsen.

It might not be easy initially, but it’s 100% worth it, especially when your hair loss starts reducing and you can finally style it again the way you want.

Written by Christina Bowler

We're a team of hair care enthusiast that have been in this industry for a very long time. Since 2019 we've been writing helpful articles to help you find the right tips, tricks, and products that you might want. Feel free to ask us questions on the contact page.

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