
How to Cut Your Own Hair for Men | Full Guide

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How to Cut Your Own Hair for Men | Full Guide

Cutting Hair at Home for Men

For most men, a clean haircut is an integral part of their personal grooming regimen. It is a well-known fact that men’s hair grows at a much faster rate than women’s hair. In light of this, majority of men make frequent visits to the barber shop to get their hair cut.

Nevertheless, the rise of DIY tutorials and videos has made haircuts a very personal and hands-on affair. Now more than ever, men are forfeiting regular barber visits and opting instead to cut their hair by themselves at the comfort of their homes.

Reasons Why Men Cut Their Hair at Home

Reasons Why Men Cut Their Hair at Home

If you have enough time on your hands, cutting your hair seems like the logical thing to do.

You get to customize your haircut as well as save a few bucks, which you would have otherwise spent to get your haircut by a barber.

However, there are various other factors that may motivate you to cut your hair at home. Some of the reasons why cutting your hair might seem appealing include:

  • It Is Convenient
    Getting your hair cut by a barber often involves having to wait in line for the barber to finish haircuts on other clients. Unless you have your barber, this can cause you unnecessary inconvenience. Learning how to cut your hair will save you time which, would otherwise be spent waiting in long barber queues.
  • It Allows You to Style Your Hair on the Go
    If you have a hectic schedule with little time to spare, learning to cut your own hair can be a huge lifesaver. Equipped with a few essential tools and hair products, you can easily cut and style your hair anywhere.
  • You Get to Experiment with Different Styles
    Learning to cut your hair can offer you the freedom to explore different hairstyles. Since you have more control over the choice of hairstyle to have, cutting your own hair allows you to experiment with different styles and discover new haircuts which accentuate your looks better.
  • You Get to Learn a New Skill
    When it’s all said and done, learning to cut your own hair allows you to add a new skill to your pre-existing skill set. With regular practice, you will be able to master cutting your hair. You can eventually monetize this skill by cutting the hair of your close friends and relatives.

Things to Keep in Mind before Cutting Your Own Hair

Cutting your hair for the first time requires proper planning. You should, therefore, ensure that you set aside an appropriate time to cut your hair.

If you rush into it, your first haircut will likely be a flop, and you will end up having to go to the barber to get it fixed.

It is also important to realize that you may not get the desired results on your first try.

Learn from your mistakes and ask your barber for hair cutting tips so that when you cut your hair the next time you end up with a satisfying look.

We recommend using the Andis T-Outliner used in the video

How to Prepare before Cutting Your Own Hair

Prepping your hair before getting a cut is absolutely necessary whether you are getting your haircut by a barber or doing it yourself.

If you have decided to cut your hair yourself, pre-cut preparations will make the process much more stress-free and enjoyable.

You will also likely achieve the haircut you desire if you prepare yourself adequately before cutting your own hair.

We recommend using this if you are just starting out

Here Are Some of The Things You Should Consider Before Cutting Your Hair.

Determine the Haircut You Want to Have
Before you embark on the process of cutting your hair, it is absolutely necessary to know the kind of haircut you want to have. Trying to cut your hair without a specific idea in mind is a slippery slope that is likely to end in disaster. You need to have a clear view of the haircut you are aiming for so that you can cut your hair appropriately to fit the style.

Determine the Haircut You Want to Have

Wash Your Hair Properly Before You Begin Cutting
Cutting clean hair is much more enjoyable and simpler than messy hair. Before you begin cutting your hair ensure it is washed and conditioned. This will make the process of cutting relatively easy. If you plan on using a clipper to cut your hair, make sure that your hair is properly dried.

Wash Your Hair Properly Before You Begin Cutting

Get All The Tools You Need
Before you give yourself a haircut, you need to ensure you have all the necessary tools. Some of the items you will need in order to cut your own hair include:

  • hair clippers with attachments
  • haircutting scissors
  • three-way mirror
  • cutting combs
  • blow dryer
  • Barber Cape
    Here is a link to the full set
Get All The Tools You Need

Choose the Right Setting
Selecting the right environment is very important when cutting your hair. Ideally, you should choose a clean environment with adequate lighting and ample mirrors. If you are cutting your hair at home, the best place to do it is in the bathroom.

Choose the Right Setting

How to Cut Your Hair at Home

After you have sufficiently prepared for your first solo haircut, it is time to dive into the process of cutting your hair.

If it is your first time giving yourself a haircut, it helps to keep things simple so that you do not end up making a mess of your hair.

After you have practiced a few times, you can move on to more complicated haircuts.

Let me now walk you through the process of how to cut different types of hair. 
After you have sufficiently prepared for your first solo haircut, it is time to dive into the process of cutting your hair.

If it is your first time giving yourself a haircut, it helps to keep things simple so that you do not end up making a mess of your hair.

After you have practiced a few times, you can move on to more complicated haircuts.

Let me now walk you through the process of how to cut different types of hair.

How to Cut Straight Hair at Home

Straight hair is relatively easy to cut if you know how to do it right. Unlike most types of hair, straight hair often doesn’t lay down on the sides.

You should, therefore, exercise caution when cutting the sides. Another thing worth noting is that straight hair tends to shrink a bit in length when dry.

If you are still undecided on the length you want, it is best to cut short sections of your hair and work your way up.

Although straight hair can be trimmed using a pair of scissors or trimming shears, it is best to use clippers since they offer more control and flexibility.

The first thing you want to do when cutting straight hair at home is to select the appropriate clipper attachment depending on the length you want to achieve.

If you are unsure of the clipper attachment to use, first try the large attachment then subsequently switch to the small ones as you go.

Once you have the right clipper attachment, start cutting your hair from the side and carefully work your way up to the crown of your head.

Comb your hair after each section and check your progress on the mirror to ensure that the hair on each section is properly leveled.

Next, use a comb to style the top of your head as desired. Run your clipper against the grain starting from the back of the top towards the crown of your head while combing to ensure the hair is even.

When trimming your hairlines and edges, begin with the sideburns to ensure they are level.

Use the corners of your trimmer to carve the hair behind your ear. You should be careful not to carve too much up that you leave the skin behind your ear bare.

Use a blow dryer to remove any loosely attached hair on your head and wipe your neck with a towel to get rid of hair strands there.

How to Cut Curly Hair at Home

Using a fine comb, comb the slightly dampened hair up your head and cut it using a pair of scissors or cutting shears if you have one.

Check your progress in the mirror regularly to ensure that all the sides are properly evened out.

When trimming the hair on top of your head, comb your hair from
the back of your head while cutting with scissors to attain the desired length.

It is worth remembering that curly hair tends to frizz fairly quickly so if you have to use a blow dryer to dry your hair, ensure it is set on a low setting.

Use a small attachment clipper to clear out the hair around your ears and neck.

When trimming the hair behind your ear, pay attention not to trim too high up to expose your skin since the result will look shoddy and unappealing.

Unlike most other types of hair, curly hair does not require a lot of maintenance. As long as you keep your sides leveled in between haircuts you should look good.

How to Cut Wavy Hair at Home

How to Cut Wavy Hair at Home

Wavy hair is one of the easiest hairstyles to cut at home. When cutting wavy hair, it is best to start with a larger attachment clipper and slowly work towards smaller attachments depending on the length you desire.

Run the clipper with attachment against the grain from the bottom of your hairline carefully moving towards the top of your head.

After cutting a few sections on each panel, pause to check yourself in the mirror to ensure all sections are balanced before you proceed to the other side of the head.

To trim the top of your, head, sprinkle some water on your hair ensuring it is just damp enough to work with.

Next, comb your hair from the top of your head and trim it with a pair of scissors.

Carefully proceed with combing all sections on the top of your head and trimming with scissors until you achieve a balanced cut.

For the hairlines, start trimming your sideburns taking special care to ensure they are appropriately leveled.

Next, use the corners of your clipper to get rid of the hairs behind your ears while exercising care not to trim way up.

Finally, clear out any loose hairs on your head and behind your neck by wiping with a clean towel.

How to Cut Kinky Hair Type at Home

How to Cut Kinky Hair Type at Home

Kinky hair is the most difficult hair type to cut with scissors. To cut kinky hair at home, you most certainly require a pair of hair clippers.

Due to its naturally dehydrated state, kinky hair is best treated with hair conditioner and hair oils before cutting.

In order to cut kinky hair, you will first need to select the right clipper with an attachment of the right size according to the length you are aiming for.

Work your selected clipper against the grain, from the hairline moving towards the crown of your head.

Make a slight pause to ascertain whether the length is right by checking the mirror before moving to the other side of the head.

Once your sides are properly trimmed, it is time to move to the top of your head. Lightly sprinkle water on the top of your head to make it easier to trim.

When shaving the top of your head with kinky hair, you can move on either direction starting from the back of the head to the forehead or vice versa.

Work the clipper over the top of your head until all the hair is evenly leveled.

Next use the corners of the clipper to clear up the excess hair behind your ears and on the back of your neck.

Clean your head with a damp towel to get rid of loosely hanging hair on your head and neck.

In Conclusion

Cutting your own hair might seem like a daunting task. However, just about anyone can learn how to cut their hair.

Whether you are tired of long waiting lines at barbershops or you are looking to save money, or your barber keeps getting your haircut wrong, you can derive numerous benefits from cutting your hair.

With the right tools and a little bit of practice, you will be cutting your hair like a pro in no time.

Written by Christina Bowler

We're a team of hair care enthusiast that have been in this industry for a very long time. Since 2019 we've been writing helpful articles to help you find the right tips, tricks, and products that you might want. Feel free to ask us questions on the contact page.

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