
Kurobara Camellia Oil Review

Kurobara Camellia oil was created as a knife oil, and it is highly prized for that purpose. The bottles are small and come in a spray bottle to make it easier to apply to the metal on a knife.

It can be used anywhere, including screws and the grip. It is also tasteless, odorless, and never dries. In the maintenance tools vein, this is a top-of-the-line oil that helps maintain Japanese swords and knives but is also used to condition and maintain a variety of carpentry tools, like chisels and planes, and tools like garden shears and bonsai tools.

It is also used in sewing machines and other machines requiring general precision. However, despite its fine points as knife oil, an awful lot of buyers of Kurobura camellia oil get the product for its excellent qualities as the oil they can put on their skin and hair.

You see, Tsubaki oil has been considered an excellent treatment for dry skin and heat damaged hair. The fact that it comes in such a small bottle is actually beneficial for those people who like to use it for hair and skin.

Since 1923, Japanese people have used Kurobara Camellia oil to keep their hair healthy and for scalp massage, body massage, and just regular skincare, in addition to its righteous properties as a top-line knife oil.

Image Product Rating Price 
Kurobara Camellia Oil

Maintains both Skin and Hair
Amazing Scent
Great for Dry and Damaged Hair



  • It’s made in Japan by a Japanese company
  • It comes in two different sizes
  • Odorless and Non-drying Formula
  • Easy application with the small bottle and the spray cap 
  • 4.6 out of 5 stars review on Amazon 
  • Maintains both hair and skin in excellent condition
  • Moisturizes both skin and hair in a way that provides balance with regular use. 


  • There are many alternatives that are far more affordable than Kurobura Camellia oil.

Table of Contents

How to Use Camellia Oil For Hair and Skin

To use Kurobara Camellia oil on your hair, for the best results, just add 3-4 drops to a bowl of warm water and stir vigorously. Then, pour the water over your hair. However, do not rinse off the oil; leave it there and allow it to do its work. 

To use Kurobara’s version of this type of oil on your skin, just drop a very small amount on your palm and apply it to any spots of dry skin. You can also use it to treat your face by applying a little on any dry spots and steaming your face with a warm towel. 

Camellia oil has been described by skin and hair care specialists as being a little “dry,” so many users find it difficult to distribute it evenly in the right amount. Many find themselves using it less than is recommended, but they stress this has to do with the innate qualities of this type of oil and not the product itself. 

In other words, there is no need to be too exacting when using Kurobura Camellia oil, and you will figure out which is the right amount and frequency for your needs, especially if your hair has a thick texture and tends to be a bit oily. 

Kurobara Camellia Oil Review, In-Depth

Image Product Rating Price 
Kurobara Camellia Oil

Maintains both Skin and Hair
Amazing Scent
Great for Dry and Damaged Hair


As noted previously, Kurobara Camellia oil was created to be a knife oil, used to keep a user’s knives clean and in good condition, which is an excellent idea if you want them to always be in good, usable condition for a good, long time. 

However, somewhere around 1923, some Japanese people saw that pure Tsubaki camellia oil was the main ingredient, which changed everything. While it is true that modern knives must be maintained to prevent corrosion, a person’s hair and skin are also very important to maintain in good condition, and pure Tsubaki camellia oil is great for that. 

For Camellia Lovers, This is a Great Product Going In

For those who already love this type of oil, there is little doubt that users love this product, even if their knives are already clean and shiny. Many users who have bothered to leave comments and reviews proclaim how happy they are to use Kurobura Camellia oil on their hair because it softens their hair and makes it feel silky smooth, and amazing.

In many cases, users found that a single spray from their bottles was more than enough to make their hair soft and supple, and others warn that using more than that will end up at the roots and make their hair feel greasy. 

Hair Type

For the most part, Kurobara Tsubaki oil is intended to be used on hair that has suffered heat damage and, based on the reviews written by users of the product, this is certainly not a product for use with oily hair, although some with mixed hair may find it beneficial. 

Overall, however, Kurobara Camellia oil is made from 100 percent all-natural camellia oil. That makes it very useful for nourishing and moisturizing anyone’s hair and body. 

Is the Scent of Kurobara Camellia Oil Pleasant? 

Kurobura camellia oil’s color and the scent is completely naturally derived, which gives it a very attractive and light floral essence. That makes it smell great and not at all overwhelming.

When leaving a Kurobara Camellia oil review online, many users often describe the scent of Kurobara camellia as “nice and light,” and one would be hard-pressed to find a user who thinks the scent is anything but that. 

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Is Kurobara Camellia Oil Priced Fairly? 

As you can see from the single “con” noted in the “pros and cons” section above, Kurobara Camellia oil is priced a little high for some. Of course, in the many who left a Kurobara Camellia oil review, not many complained about the price. Plus, there is always that one user of nearly anything who figures they could have saved a few bucks if they had been patient.   

Of course, there is also the fact that few users would argue against the notion that this a premium product that does an excellent job of moisturizing the skin and the hair, so from that perspective, its price is not out of line with the prices charged for other, similar products.

What Makes Kurobura Camellia Oil a Great Value?

As noted, not very many users who have bothered to leave a Kurobara Camellia oil review online have something negative to say about it. It’s a premium product from one of the most honored companies in Japan. The Japanese have been using this hair and skin treatment for just about a century. 

Kurobura’s pure Tsubaki oil is 100 percent organic, and their oil extraction system is patented and uses no additives anywhere along the line. That means its pure Tsubaki (camellia) is actually as pure, if not purer, as any Tsubaki oil on the market. 

Image Product Rating Price 
Kurobara Camellia Oil

Maintains both Skin and Hair
Amazing Scent
Great for Dry and Damaged Hair


Kurobara Camellia Oil Review Conclusion

The Kurobura Camellia oil is only used a few drops or a short spray at a time, and the plant’s flowers aren’t available on every street corner, a small amount of this exotic product can last for a very long time. If you apply it weekly, a single large bottle could last for a year or more. 

With Kurobara Camellia oil, you get exactly what you’re paying for, and you still have the flexibility to use it the way that works best for you. You get a high-quality product that works anyway you want it to work. Use it daily, weekly, or monthly, in any way that works for you. 

Sometimes, you can use a lot less than is recommended and use it less often. The beauty of pure camellia oil is that you can use it any way you want. With the pleasant floral scent, which comes naturally from the camellia plant, there is no downside to using this product.

Written by Christina Bowler

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