Wax is used not just for hair styling products but is frequently used for hair removal as well. Having your eyebrows waxed to remove excess hair, may result in some of the waxy residue spilling over to your hair.
Fortunately, there are many quick and easy solutions to rid your hair of this residue without pulling any additional hairs.
You can remove residual eyebrow wax out of your hair by massaging olive oil on the affected area, or giving a hot water compress treatment to the hair, or even using paper towels and hairdryer. Eyebrow wax is made of beeswax and rosin, which can be easily removed with heat or oil.
There are many ways in which you could use oil and heat to remove any residual eyebrow wax from your hair. In this article, we will look at each of these solutions and apply them to get rid of the wax without pulling off or damaging your hair in any way.
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Apply Baby Oil On the Affected Area
Apply baby oil on the affected portion of your hair where the residual eyebrow wax has accumulated. Take a tablespoon of baby oil in your palms and gently heat it by rubbing your palms a few times.
Then massage the oil in the affected section of your hair. Rub the oil in a single direction to loosen the waxy residue. Then, wipe the area with a clean damp cloth to remove the hair’s oil and wax particles.
Olive oil can be a good substitute in case you do not have bay oil handy. You may need a little more than a tablespoonful of the olive oil to loosen all of the wax. Gently warm the olive oil on the stove till it is slightly hot and then use it the same way as the baby oil.
Remove Residual Wax by Using Paper Towels
If the wax has solidified in your hair, the best way to remove it is by melting it. However, any direct heat applied to the hair may be counterproductive as it may damage the hair.
It is better to use a paper towel to wrap the hair section that needs cleaning in such scenarios. Then melt the solidified wax by directing the hot air from the hair dryer to the affected portion.
The heat from the hairdryer will melt the wax through the paper towel, and the paper towel will absorb the wax as it melts.
Once the paper towel absorbs enough wax, replace it with new clean towels, and repeat it until all the wax is removed.
Apply Warm Olive Oil on a Residual Wax Build-Up
Apply slightly warm olive oil to that portion of the hair with a residual eyebrow wax build-up. Warmer oil is more effective in removing remaining wax as it helps the wax melt.
After you apply the oil in your hair, let it rest for a few minutes before wiping off the wax residue with a clean cotton pad. Finally, wash your hair with shampoo to remove any remaining grease.
Use a Clarifying Shampoo
These days the market is inundated with different kinds of hair care products. There are various shampoos available for different hair types and even cater to the different kinds of cleaning actions that your hair may need.
A clarifying shampoo such as the Neutrogena Anti-Residue Clarifying Shampoo has gained their share of fame because they are specifically formulated to remove build-up. It also comes in handy to eliminate any eyebrow wax residue from your hair.
You need to douse your hair with warm water. Make sure that the affected area of your hair is thoroughly soaked with the water.
Then take a generous amount of the clarifying shampoo and scrub your hair thoroughly to remove the wax. Give it a few minutes to work its magic on your hair.
Once that’s done, rinse off the shampoo with normal room temperature water.
If the residual wax remains after the first wash, you can repeat the process once more. You will not need to scrub as much this time, and the remaining wax should come off easily.
Treat the Hair to a Hot Water Compress
Take a clean washcloth and soak it in hot water for a couple of minutes. Then place it on the wax residue and press it down on the affected portion of the hair.
Let the washcloth sit this way for about a minute or so. The heat will help soften the wax. After a minute, use the same washcloth to wipe away the melted wax from your hair.
Alternately, you could also wet the hair with warm water and apply a conditioner. Make sure that the water is only warm and not scalding hot.
The water’s warm temperature will soften the wax while the conditioner will act as an emollient, which will separate the wax from the strands. You can comb through the wet hair to remove the wax and finally wash the hair with shampoo.
This video is a guide to washing your hair properly to remove grease and dirt from the hair:
Use Ice to Remove the Eyebrow Wax
You can also try using ice to freeze the residual wax and pluck it off your hair. This may seem a tad bit more tedious, but it does the job. Take an ice cube and place it over the wax on your hair for about a minute.
This will harden the wax, making it easy for you to simply pick out the wax as if you were brushing off flakes from your hair.
Rinse the Hair With Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a household staple and has many uses, and not just inside the kitchen. It can be used to remove eyebrow wax out of your hair.
Combine one-part apple cider vinegar with one-part water and apply it to your hair. Once applied, let it sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing it off.
This helps remove any residual wax from the hair, and it also makes the hair smooth and shiny.
Use Petroleum Jelly to Wipe Away the Residual Wax
Petroleum is a natural lubricant. Use this to separate the wax from the hair strands by applying a generous layer of petroleum jelly to the area with the wax residue.
Let it sit for five minutes before wiping it off from the hair with a clean cloth or cotton pad.
This will take off the wax from the hair. Use shampoo to remove any leftover grease from the petroleum jelly.
Rub Alcohol to Help Remove the Wax

Use a cotton pad soaked in alcohol and rub it on the wax residue in gentle circular motions. This will make the residual wax dissolve until it comes off in the cotton pad.
Rubbing alcohol can be effective in removing wax. It is safe to use on your hair and scalp. Massage it gently on the affected portion of the hair to help the wax loosen.
Apart from removing wax, rubbing alcohol can also help get rid of lice from hair.
Wax is commonly used to remove unwanted hair from the eyebrow. But it does not have to be a cause of dismay when the waxy residue finds its way to your hair.
By applying these simple tips and tricks mentioned above, you will be able to get rid of the residual wax without harming your hair.